Bowen Liu, Doctoral student at Yamashita-Set lab, EEIS has been awarded Optoelectronics Global Student Achievement Awards 2024 in Optoelectronics Global Conference 2024
Name of award and short explanation about the award
Optoelectronics Global Student Achievement Awards 2024 is given to student who produced high quality thesis, dissertation or report. Three awards will be given to outstanding students under each category. Applicants will be evaluated by an expert panel led by OGC Technical Program Committee Chair.
About awarded research(activity)
The title is “Novel Fiber Lyot Filter and Its Application in Tunability-Enhanced All-Polarization-Maintaining Mode-Locked Lasers.” This thesis presents novel designs on Lyot filters and their applications on tunability-enhanced all-PM MLFL. Mr. Bowen was awarded for his innovative insights into laser polarization physics and his outstanding doctoral thesis on novel devices and applications based on this.
Your impression & future plan
I am glad that my research results are appreciated. During my studies, I often felt frustrated that interesting ideas had already been implemented by others before me. But innovation is always happening. Even a small breakthrough contains ingenuity, and this is the root of innovation. I am extremely grateful to Prof. Set and Prof. Yamashita for their guidance. I hope that I can continue to do more research that is beneficial to society in the future.