He is a Robotics Technologist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2016. More recent profile is available here.
He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Tokyo in 2016, under the supervision by Prof. Takashi Kubota. He completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the University of Tokyo in 2011 and 2013. During his study, he gained research experience at various research institutes including Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Most of his research effort has been invested in the developement of reliable robotic exploration technology on challenging planetary surfaces. He is interested in computer vision technologies that autonomously navigate robotic vehicles in information-limited environments. Particular topics include visual and tactical perception, autonomous learning and inference, motion planning, and visual localization.
International Conference Papers
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory研究員 (Robotics Technologist)
- 2007/04-2011/03 東京大学 (理2, 工学部電子情報工学科)
- 2010/07-2010/09 NEC (インターンシップ)
- 2011/04-2013/09 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻 (修士)
- 2012/08-2013/06 スウェーデン王立工科大学 交換留学
- 2013/10-2016/09 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 電気系工学専攻 (博士後期)
- 2014/04-2017/03 日本学術振興会特別研究員 (DC1)
- 2015/01-2015/04 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (インターンシップ)
- 2015/11-2016/01 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (インターンシップ)
- 2016/10- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory